A Weather Walked In

A book of rare photographs taken in Vietnam by Charlie Haughey, a member of the Army 25th Infantry division.

May 16, 2017

A Weather Walked In 2017

Join us May 19th, 2017 at ANX Gallery in Portland, OR for A Weather Walked In 2017, a showing of 60” x 40” silver gelatin prints from Charlie Haughey’s collection of 50 year old Vietnam War photographs. Read the full update.

Mar 10, 2017

Big Print!

Hello! If you are fans of Charlie Haughey's work and you live in the Portland area, you can see a one of a kind 60" x 40" silver gelatin print from Charlie's collection, framed in a frame handmade by Charlie, at Screaming Sky Gallery on NE 21st and Alberta. Read the full update.

Oct 23, 2015

iPad Book Update and News

I wanted to reach out and give an update specifically on the iPad version of *A Weather Walked In*. Read the full update.

Jul 20, 2015

Printing: We're here!

This is it, all of the hard work and effort that has gone into creating this book is paying off. Charlie and I are at Lithtex, our printer, all day today and tomorrow. Read the full update.

May 17, 2015

Digital Proofs!

A video update showing digital proofs. Read the full update.

Apr 28, 2015

Progress Update

Hello everyone! I wanted to get in touch with all of you with a quick update on our progress. At last meeting with our book designers a week ago, print files for the print version of A Weather Walked In were nearly complete. Aside from finalizing print layouts, we also began beta testing the iPad book. Of course, nailing down the user experience for a digital book is crucial--the final product needs to be intuitive, simple, clean, and meanwhile showcase all of the photos and audio in the highest possible quality. So far, we've had five people perform beta tests, and all have been very impressed with the layout, structure, and content. We have four more beta testers getting their hands on the iPad book this week, and then we'll implement the user experience feedback to the final iPad book. Read the full update.

Mar 19, 2015


Hello everyone! I wanted to put together an outline of what the team behind the Chieu Hoi Project has been doing since the end of the crowdfunding campaign, and update you all on the production timeline for A Weather Walked In. First, I’d like to talk about the projected ship date for the book, which you all probably remember was listed during our campaign as March 2015. Back in November, while... Read the full update.

Jan 06, 2015

This is It!

Thanks to the help and support of everyone who pre-ordered a copy of A Weather Walked In or a print from Charlies collection, weve reached our funding goal! This, of course, means that well be able to begin production of the book, with the goal of a March 2015 shipping date. If your friends or family happen to inquire about the book, let them know they can always come to Crowd Supply for a pre... Read the full update.

Jan 02, 2015

One week left to meet our goal!

Happy new year from everyone at the Chieu Hoi Project! 2015 is about one thing for me: publishing A Weather Walked In. To each and every one of you that has supported us so far, Charlie and I offer our sincerest thanks. If youve been thinking about supporting this project and havent yet, please do so! Share this project with your friends and family, and urge them to pre-order a copy of the book... Read the full update.

Dec 24, 2014

Digital Cards

Happy holidays everyone! Once again, sincerest thanks to everyone who has supported our book project so far. We truly hope that your family, friend, or loved one enjoys the gift of a copy of A Weather Walked In or print from Charlie Haugheys collection. Were so grateful that weve made over half the goal of our crowdfunding campaign, and we look forward to being able to deliver these gifts to yo... Read the full update.

Dec 22, 2014

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays from everyone on the Chieu Hoi team! We deeply appreciate everyone who has supported this crowdfunding campaign so far, and we are so thankful for the positive feedback weve received from everyone so far. It was humbling to pass the $10,000 mark in just one week, and we look forward to making our $17,000 goal with your support! If you have been waiting until the last minute to pu... Read the full update.

Dec 16, 2014

Origin of the book's name

Hello to everyone who has supported A Weather Walked In! Id like to start this email by conveying my most sincere thanks for your support. Without your pre-purchase of of Charlie Haugheys book and prints, we would not have made 45% of our funding goal in the first five days of our campaign! Thats right, thanks to your support, were almost half way to our goal in such a short amount of time! Ch... Read the full update.

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