Pitchlandia, Submit Your Pitch!

The world’s first completely crowd-sourced, crowd-based and crowd-selected startup pitch event, all Portland-themed. 20 startup founders pitch, 10 startups get funded, audience decides

Project Backers

Thank you for your support!

Michael C

Jill N

John F

Jerry C

Leif Y

Tom S

Jeanie C

Max H

Jimmy D

Mark G

Scott K

Lars H

Marian G

Gina R

Christopher R

Erik W

John S

Nitin K

Portland, OR

Robert S

Emily W

Stephen E

Julie M

Dolly S

Megan V

Scott T

Jason G

Leigh G

Chris C

Adrian C

Emily W

Jeffrey D

Jennifer G
San Jose, CA

Monica B

Jon M

Pat W

Patrick E

Luke K

Dave B

Amber C

Brent M

Vanessa H

Kent L

Barbara C

Robert C

Coolleen P

Eric M

John B

Patricia E

Manju A

Alexandra D

Tom K

Craig O

Vivek M

Kelly S

John I

Zoe L

Matthew Y

Jennifer G

Elizabeth S

Chad L

Skye W

Ariane H

Jeffrey W

Claire B

Tom B

Michael A

William G

Stephen W

Richard D

Timothy E

Samuel M

Evan S

Jeri C

Melinda O

Austin E

Alexander O

Martha H

Daniel E

Galen M

Travis C

Terra S

Caroline R

Elijah M

Shelby M

Ryan W

Terpsichore M

Wes B

Alex T

William B

Brian D

Christine E

Julia R

Carmen L

Dorothy M

Katherine K

Jay W

Tali O

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