A powerful, open hardware ECP5 FPGA dev board

Mar 14, 2020

Project update 1 of 20

Ready for Crowdfunding

by Goran Mahovlić

After many months of preparation, the team here at Radiona is ready to launch our crowdfunding campaign for the ULX3S FPGA with ESP32. Hackaday described ULX3S as creating "the Year of the Hacker FPGA," and we are finally ready to make that prediction a reality. Many people have worked to prepare this board – and the sample code that highlights its potential – for distribution to makers and hobbyists worldwide. We believe this is one of the best developer boards ever designed, as it incorporates a vast array of features and capabilities into one relatively small and reasonably priced package.

ULX3S has been actively developed for over four years and is the result of a collaboration between Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace and FER (the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb in Croatia). Students, hobbyists, developers, and engineers from all over the world have contributed some amazing examples of what ULX3S can do.

We invite you to have a look! And, if you like what you see, help us bring ULX3S to life by backing our campaign. Thank you for your support!!

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