
An ARM board that fits inside your USB connector

Jan 22, 2018

Project update 4 of 10

Tomu at LCA2018

Tomu is once again returning to Linux.Conf.AU 2018. If you’re attending, stop by to say hi!

LCA2018 is happening this week, and both Tim and myself are here participating. We’ve beta tested the production process and are sharing some of the boards with the LCA attendees. We’ve also been hard at work on the bootloader, which we’ll post about in a future update.

This Friday, I will be giving a talk on the factory test infrastructure we’re using to ensure each Tomu board works correctly. The talk is at 2:35 PM AEDT in the Guthrie room, and will be streamed online and made available on YouTube afterwards. We’ll post a link to the final video in a future update. This is an area of manufacture that normally isn’t talked about, but in the spirit of open hardware, we’re drawing attention to it and sharing with you our methods.

We look forward to keeping you up-to-date about the factory production process once the campaign finishes and we can start ordering parts and cutting steel. For now, keep sharing the campaign page and getting your friends and family to back Tomu!

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