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All Kinds of Hackers: An Invitation to BSidesPDX

Malcolm H
Maggie Jauregui
June 24, 2023 11:30-11:55 AM

FMH Room 204

There's an increasing overlap between hardware hackers, software hackers, and the broader maker and modder communities, just as the code we write and the devices we build converge in all sorts of unexpected places. BSides Portland is a local, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization that was founded in 2011 with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching. We have an annual conference in October, and we want you to come! This brief talk will introduce what a BSides conference is like, BSides Portland in particular, and talk about what we do, why you might want to attend, and why we're a great place to present your research, show off your projects, share your skills, and meet new collaborators.