The Dynamandala is a creative coding software project that utilizes the latest generation real-time 3D technology. The DynaController is a custom built capacitance switching midi controller in an sculptural form. Input is a critical part of the work, allowing visitors "complete the art" when they play it via this interface. The DynaMandala is a rich and responsive instrument where each player will evoke a unique expression of pattern and sound through direct interaction.
Stefan Biskup: DynaMandala creator. With a background in real-time 3D and Music, he seeks to create software objects that merge animation and sound into one experience.
Darcy Neal: DynaController Creator Darcy is an innovative new media artist, cyborg, maker, and educator with a rich background in sculpture, electronics, and experimental music.
Daniel Young: Dynacontroller LED Programmer Daniel, an accomplished artist and electronics enthusiast known for his LED wizardry, brings a uniquely playful and inventive approach to his projects.