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IoT Development with Nordic

Johnny Nguyen
June 23, 2024 12:30-1:20 PM

Talk Track 2

IoT is one of the fastest growing markets out there. Long range, short range, there are numerous benefits for wire replacement and connectivity. In this space, Nordic is a boon for any developer, closed or open source.

Nordic leads with the lowest power (and one of the smallest and most integrated) LTE-M modems you can find, the only solution today for DECT NR+, and any given month is 30-40% of qualified BLE designs in the market for our leading lowest power, efficiency, and support. Nordic has even broken into PMIC and Wifi-6 now.

Nordic fully embraces Zephyr as the RTOS of choice for its supplier and hardware agnosticism, and open-source nature. (We will also explore debunking a few RTOS vs. Non-RTOS notions that tend to proliferate the industry. In many cases, it very much does make sense to use one.)

In this talk, we will go through the solution journey for Nordic from start to finish, from hardware to software to real world deployment.

About Johnny Nguyen

I’m a Nordic Field Application Engineer who previously worked as a firmware engineer for wireless (short-range and long-range) infrastructure deployed across North America. I’ve developed across many platforms, designed CPU architectures, and wrote an open source RTOS. I enjoyed developing with Nordic so much, I decided to join them. If you’ve been outside, you’ve seen my work!

Made possible with generous support from Nordic Semiconductor.

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