iCEBreaker FPGA

The first open source iCE40 FPGA development board designed for teachers and students

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Jan 11, 2019

Project update 5 of 14

The Final Countdown

by Piotr Esden-Tempski

Hey Everyone!

We are in the last few hours of the campaign. We are ecstatic to see how far we have come, and we are looking forward to starting production!

If you know someone who would want to get their iCEBreaker as part of the campaign production run, we would be very grateful if you reminded them before the time runs out.

Some of you asked us what will happen after the campaign is over. You will be able to pre-order the iCEBreaker through Crowd Supply and eventually through 1BitSquared. We are not planning to change the pricing on the tiers, but there will be a time delay between the campaign fulfillment and pre-order fulfillment. So backing the campaign now will definitely get the iCEBreaker into your hands earlier than those who decide to wait. ;-)

To everyone who already backed the project. Thank you so much! We are blown away by the support and interest. We can’t wait to get the iCEBreakers out to you.

In the next update we will let you know what our plans are regarding documentation, community resources and production. As Piotr is finally back at the 1BitSquared HQ he will keep you up to date with the production progress through his @esden twitter account. We will be posting campaign updates every now and then with a summary of what is happening in production. We are in this together! Thank you for joining this journey with us, and see you on the other side!!!

Danika and Piotr

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