ANAVI Thermometer

An ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors

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May 18, 2020

Project update 26 of 28

Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the Crowd Supply Discord

by ANAVI Technology

A couple of weeks ago we launched the crowdfunding of ANAVI Fume Extractor - an open source smart WiFi solder smoke absorber. It is a great little gadget for makers that comes as a do-it-yourself (DIY) kit. Just like your favorite ANAVI Thermometer, ANAVI Fume Extractor is also powered by ESP8266 and over MQTT works with Home Assistant and other popular open source IoT platforms!

Join the Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Crowd Supply Discord channel to learn more and discuss our other entirely open source projects! Questions, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Here is the Discord invite link.

The chat starts at Wednesday, May 20th 2020 at 1PM Pacific and will go for about an hour. That’s 4PM in New York, 9PM London and 11PM in the European capital of open source hardware - my hometown Plovdiv, Bulgaria :) If you need help figuring out what time this is in your part of the world, here is a handy time translator chart.

See you on Wednesday!
Cheers, Leon

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