ANAVI Thermometer

An ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors

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Feb 26, 2019

Project update 7 of 28

Thank You!

Yes, we did it! The crowdfunding campaign ended on Feb 23, 2019 and our open source project ANAVI Thermometer was successfully funded. Thank you very much for the support! More than one hundred people from 26 countries around the world backed the project.

The crowdfunding campaign was so successfully that it hit all stretch goals. We’ll add awesome stickers for all backers, including stickers of the popular free & open source project KiCad which was used to design the printed circuit board of ANAVI Thermometer.

As you know from the previous updates we started the manufacturing of the printed circuit boards before the end of the campaign. They will be soon ready and we will proceed with the assembly of the components. In the mean time the laser-cut acrylic enclosures were made. We have also already sourced the cardboard boxes and the stickers for the packaging. We have tight deadlines and I am doing my best to ship all orders on time.

Thank you very much for your support, questions, recommendation and GitHub Pull requests to our public open source repositories! Special thanks to Karl Schuh who recently made an enormous GitHub contribution by translating the user’s manual of ANAVI Thermometer to German. We will reveal more details about it in the next updates. Stay tuned for more news soon!


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