ESP32 Rainbow

A ZX Spectrum single-board computer with a built-in keyboard and display

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Jan 29, 2025

Project update 9 of 9

Even More Silkscreen

by Christopher G

Great news: the displays have arrived from China!

This is one stack; there are ten displays on each layer and five layers total.

And there are another three boxes…

I wanted to wait for these to arrive before doing the bulk order of PCBs: there would be nothing worse than having 300 displays and 300 boards that didn’t work together.

Everything is looking good, though. I’ve tested a sample of the displays and they work nicely with the latest board design. So, I’m now ready to get the PCBs ordered.

But, before hitting the order button, I wanted to make a few tweaks. I’ve been thinking: we’ve got some lovely full-color silk screen on the front of the board.

But on the back, we’ve pretty much got a blank canvas. There are a few helpful symbols for the various connectors, but not much else.

This feels like a terrible waste, so I thought I should fill the space with useful information.

So, here’s what’s going to be on the back of the board:

This should provide a nice quick reference to the board’s GPIO pins and an easy way to get to the website for more details.

I’ll be placing the PCB order this week, which means that we are still on schedule for delivery!

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