Artificial Intelligence Radio - Transceiver (AIR-T)

A high-performance SDR seamlessly integrated with state-of-the-art deep learning hardware

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Jun 22, 2018

Project update 1 of 20

Pre-launch countdown! (And some performance specs.)

Five Days Away

We have received many inquiries asking when the AIR-T will become available for pre-sales. Deepwave is very excited to announce that the campaign will launch and you can begin to order on Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

The AIR-T brings together wireless development with artificial intelligence in a single-board computer. Software defined radio development has for decades been limited by CPUs, unable to perform large amounts of computation or develop machine learning applications in an integrated, easy-to-use piece of hardware. With the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 and our team’s 50+ years of experience, we believe there is another way.

Real-time DSP Measurements

When compared against other commonly used processors that consume the same amount of power, the AIR-T performs 28 times faster. More details to come.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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