
The long-range LoRa® wall switch powered by coin cells and the Arduino IDE

Oct 31, 2019

Project update 9 of 9

Shipping Soon & Another Successful Battery Test

Shipping Soon

Items have arrived at Crowd Supply and they are being processed for shipment. Please check your shipping address in your Crowd Supply account order details, and update it if necessary.

The current shipping date was set Oct 25 - last Friday. Crowd Supply and their fulfillment partner is still working hard to re-check all packed items and prepare them to ship out. This process takes a bit longer time due to how many SKU numbers were created by the variety of frequencies and radio versions. So we have another slight delay, and the new ship date set November 25th. Thank you for your patience.

Battery Test

While we were preparing and assembling the easySwitchBoxes, we ran another battery test. This time it was RFM69CW-915 Mhz. It has survived 178,000 messages sent with ack. Compare to LoRa 10,000. Both results quite amazing.

You can see the test results here: https://io.adafruit.com/easySensors/feeds/rfm69cw-battery-survival-test

Note: the full data set with battery voltages is already gone, since we were using an Adafruit IO free account for that.

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