Sleepwalker Vol. 1

The first book in a series of illustrated novels created by author/illustrator Cameron Scott Davis who set out to create, "The kid's book I wanted to read as a kid."

Apr 30, 2014

Project update 11 of 24

04.30.2014 Update

Hello hello, Sleepwalker supporters!

The past few weeks have been pretty rough on yours truly as I wrap up this first edition, but I’m very pleased with the results. As you may have guessed I missed my April 14th great push and I continue to learn a tremendous amount in many areas. I received great feedback and advice from a story editor that delayed the printing (and required me to add about 8 pages of illustration).

Since this is the first book in a series, it is of utmost importance to make sure the story is as clear and tight as possible to avoid trouble down the line. And as the printer said, “Don’t rush it, you’re going to have to live with this for a long time.” Heh. She is right.

I’ve noticed I have a habit of bullheadedly pushing this project as far as I can by myself until I fall flat on my face. With great friends near and far, someone always comes along with fresh eyes or superior expertise in a certain area to pick me up and help put me back on track.

Since I’ve never been through the entire book-making process before, I probably should avoid promising a date. However, no one wants this in your hands ASAP more than me! And I’m working on it every day (and night). Thanks for your continued support and patience. It’s looking pretty damn cool.


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