Sleepwalker Vol. 1

The first book in a series of illustrated novels created by author/illustrator Cameron Scott Davis who set out to create, "The kid's book I wanted to read as a kid."

Oct 27, 2014

Project update 23 of 24

10.28.2014 Update

Shipping: All of the books are packaged and ready to ship! That was quite a process in itself. Thanks to my parents for all their help with that stage. And thanks to my PM Rahul for his support and guidance. Next step is to get books down to Portland for Crowd Supply to handle the shipping and tracking.

Thanks to a number of you who came out to Powell’s and Longbottom to pick up books. Nice to see you in person.

Address changes:
Even if you have contacted me directly with an address change in the past, PLEASE update again with Crowd Supply to keep our records identical and accurate. Please send address change or special instructions to: Personalizing books:
Again, all books are signed by myself and numbered (#’s shipped at random 1-1000). Unfortunately since I will not be personally handling the shipping of each book I had to supply CS with impersonalized books. Disappointing I understand, but I felt I had to keep it clean. I have scoured the list at length so I know who has helped. If we meet in person in the future I will be more than happy to personalize your copy and add a little sketch.
Thanks again for your support and patience in helping me realize this passion project. Looking forward to getting everyone your books!


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