uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC)

Portable, DIY, open hardware retro-gaming console

Dec 10, 2020

Project update 11 of 22

New Releases of uSVC Software and Specs

by Antonio Rizzo

Hi there,

Here’s a quick update to announce the release on next-hack.com of the gameloader, demos, and games code plus the 3D case design files. As promised, we are publishing everything fully open source!

Here are the three games showcased in the campaign:

The gameloader:

The demos:

And the .stl and .step design files of the 3D case:

This release provides everything necessary to build and play with uSVC… you’re just missing the hardware (or maybe not if you built your own)! Don’t worry, we are working on it and we will be back soon! Antonio

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