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Welcome to 2017 – the year of the Fire Rooster…and the year “snickerdoodle" became a household name!
Yes, that is indeed a freshly baked Rev. 4.1 snickerdoodle. And in case you were worried that was the only one in the batch, here are 47 more:
While this of course only represents a drop in the proverbial bucket of snickerdoodle preorders, it also represents a significant milestone as these brave soldiers will lead the charge for the rest of the “massive" build. We expect to have another 450 snickerdoodles assembled by (approximately) the end of next week…with another 1,000 to come shortly thereafter.
This coming week we will start sending out “this is your last chance” announcements for anyone who would like to request a last-minute upgrade, add-ons, etc. For reference, we had to switch up the build order a bit but we’re going to be building the /02s and /01s (snickerdoodle, connectors down/up) first, followed by the /04s and /03s (snickerdoodle black, connectors down/up), followed by a couple /06 and /05 “mystery” snickerdoodles… More details to come! On a side note, breakyBreaky assembly is slated to commence this coming week…as are the prototypes of the new enclosure. giggleBits should kick off shortly. piSmasher is in the works but a little further out. Everything else is now in stock, on the way, or can be in stock within a week’s notice.
Next up: a new website and forum, more docs/tutorials/demos, and some new members of the snickerdoodle family.
We told you not to go anywhere…now you’ll be happy you stuck around.
Yours truly,
the krtkl crew