LimeSDR Mini

An open, full-duplex, USB stick radio for femtocells and more

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Oct 28, 2017

Project update 13 of 53

LMS8001 Companion 10 GHz Demos

Hot on the heels of the 5.5 GHz LTE repeater example earlier this week, comes two more extremely cool demos from Milan Savić and the engineering team. In the first, a LimeSDR board is used to generate a 2.5 GHz WCDMA signal which is then up-converted to 10 GHz using an LMS8001 Companion, with the simple configuration shown using LMS8001 GUI. Another LMS8001 Companion is then used to down-convert the signal which is fed to a spectrum analyser.

The second demo follows in the footsteps of the one earlier this week in which we can see a LimeNET Mini configured as an LTE base station, albeit this time with downlink on 2.5 GHz and the LMS8001 Companion configured to shift this all the way up to 10 GHz. A second LMS8001 Companion then performs down-conversion to 2.68 GHz in LTE Band 7, with both boards also configured to forward uplink in the opposite direction, but this time at fDL - 120 MHz. Once again we see a live video call being routed via the repeater link.

You may note that interesting looking antennas were used in the demos… more on these very soon!

Andrew and the LimeSDR Mini Team

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