Lite3DP Gen 2

An advanced, hackable, palm-sized mSLA 3D printer

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Dec 23, 2023

Project update 6 of 11

Thank You!

by Alfredo Bonini

First of all, we want to express our deepest thanks to everyone for your trust and support! Thank you!

It has been a long road to get here and we have had to overcome many obstacles. Your validation of our vision and work is what renews our strength to continue working hard. We feel a great responsibility to deliver machines and accessories that not only meet, but exceed your expectations – tools that contribute to your work and allow you to expand your capabilities.

We have defined realistic delivery times, which we are confident we will be able to meet. The next few weeks will involve navigating some logistics with Mouser and waiting up to three weeks to receive campaign funds. Meanwhile, we will be busy carrying out production planning work, identifying possible risks and difficulties in the process, and requesting updated quotes.

Production management work requires great detail orientation and knowing how to communicate effectively with suppliers. It can be a little stressful, because of the responsibility it implies, but experience we’ve gained in recent years allows us manage, and even enjoy, the process, knowing that we are capable of finding solutions to unforeseen events that arise. We have come a long way since the end of the S1 campaign, at which point, we had not even worked out how to to receive campaign funds. It is emotional but gratifying to look back and contemplate the journey we have taken, from the very beginning to where we are now.

We are comfortable with a reduced number of backers, as well, since it will allow us to be closer to each of you. We always enjoy and value creating close relationships with Lite3DP users. Our primary channel of communication will be through regular Crowd Supply project updates, and the Ask a Question link below will continue to reach us. We value sincerity and respect above all, and we hope you feel the same when reaching out to communicate with us.

As we have tried to convey previously, the hard work that’s already gone into designing and testing Lite3DP Gen 2 will allow us to concentrate on achieving the highest possible production quality, the clearest documentation, the best troubleshooting tools, and the most reliable customer support.

We will be in communication soon. Happy Holidays!

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