Onion Omega2 Dash

An open-source touchscreen & Wi-Fi-connected Linux dev board

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Jan 14, 2020

Project update 4 of 18


Hey everyone,

Happy new year from the Onion team!

Our main goal with the Omega2 Dash was to create a great tool for building interactive graphical user interfaces. Because of the Omega2 platform’s network connectivity and variety of I/Os, these user interfaces can range across a wide variety of use-cases.

But, programming your own GUI from scratch is complex and time consuming. Just ask anybody who’s ever done it before!

To get around this and make GUI development with the Omega2 Dash fast and easy, we’ve worked to make it compatible with the LittleV Graphics Library. LittleVGL (lvgl) gives you all of the building blocks and tools needed to make your own GUI. Leaving you free to focus your development time working on the app logic and user experience instead of worrying about graphics.

A Demo

Here’s the Omega2 Dash running the lvgl "kitchen sink" demo. The demo shows off the UI building blocks, input methods, and overall operation:

And here’s a run down of some of the available visual themes:

The code for this kitchen sink demo can be found on GitHub, along with instructions on how to run this on your own Omega2 Dash

Lvgl Highlights

A few highlights of why we like lvgl so much:

Stay tuned for more details on how you can use lvgl with your Omega2 Dash.

Only 17 Days Left!

The Omega2 Dash campaign ends on January 31st! Hard to believe that we’re already almost halfway through January.

Now is a great time to share the campaign with any friends or colleagues who might be interested!

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