Onion Tau LiDAR Camera

An easy-to-use LiDAR camera that acts like a webcam for real-time 3D depth data

Feb 03, 2021

Project update 6 of 12

Campaign Ending Tomorrow!

by Lazar D

Hi everyone,

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Tau LiDAR Camera. We’re now over 250% of the original goal! We can’t wait to see what you all do with your Tau Cameras!

The campaign ends TOMORROW — 6:59pm EST on February 4th! After the conclusion of the campaign, the Tau Camera will still be available on Crowd Supply. But orders placed during the campaign are slated to ship in late May!

Now is a great time to share a link to the campaign with any friends or colleagues who might be interested!

Talk soon!

-Team Onion

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