Onion Tau LiDAR Camera

An easy-to-use LiDAR camera that acts like a webcam for real-time 3D depth data

Apr 19, 2021

Project update 10 of 12

Playback Recorded Depth Frames - No Tau Camera Needed

by Lazar D

To make waiting for the hardware a little easier, we’ve put together an example program to render previously recorded depth frames on your computer right now, no Tau Camera needed!

Based on a request on the Onion Community, we made a pair of example programs to record and then playback depth frames.

The recording program is very lightweight - minimal use of libraries and minimal processing of data - so it can run smoothly on lower power devices like the Omega2. Very useful if your application makes it difficult to have your Tau Camera tethered to a full computer at all times.

The playback program will render the 2D depth map and amplitude view (using OpenCV) from each captured frame. You don’t need the Tau Camera to run this program, just the recorded frames! More details available on GitHub.

Follow our playback example guide to try playing back frames on your own computer today! And make sure to let us know how it goes on the Onion Community.

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