Hi, I am Niklaus 'vimja' Hofer, a hacker from Bern, Switzerland. You can usually find me at the Chaostreff Bern where I run our public XMPP and [matrix] servers and our sticker exchange. I help organize the CoSin, a local hacker conference which is awesome and you should definitely attend!
Joined Jan 19, 2015. Backed nine projects.
The World's First Open Source RISC-V-based 32-bit μC
A new 12.5" open hardware laptop that is future-proof, modular, and highly performant
An open source USB stick computer for security applications.
The world's first ATX-compatible, workstation-class mainboard for the IBM POWER8 processor.
The music player you wish you had in the early 2000s
The high quality, versatile, and reliable USB-UART converter for both professionals and enthusiasts
An Earth-friendly way to easily upgrade and fix your own computer
A newer, smaller, lighter, more-affordable, seven-inch mini Reform laptop that remains fully open source
A sourcing tool designed to help non-Mandarin speakers navigate the Hua Qiang electronics market.