Inkplate 6 MOTION

Expand your creative horizons with the fastest e-paper screen around

Available for pre-order

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Feb 04, 2025

Project update 12 of 12

Orders Have Shipped!

by David Z

We’re excited to announce that all Inkplate 6 MOTION orders have shipped as of December 20th, 2024! If you backed this project, your package should already be on its way and arriving in your mailbox soon—if it hasn’t already.

This marks the final step in our crowdfunding journey and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your support, patience, and enthusiasm throughout the entire process! Your feedback, questions, and encouragement have been invaluable and we can’t wait to see what you create with your new device.

While this campaign is wrapping up, this is only the beginning. Follow us for future updates, new projects, and more exciting developments. You can always find us on Crowd Supply, our website, and our social media channels.

Once again, a huge thank you from the entire team at Soldered. Enjoy your Inkplate 6 MOTION!
—The Soldered Team

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