Obsidian ESP32

An ESP32 in a Raspberry Pi Form Factor

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Aug 21, 2020

Project update 13 of 13

Project Update and Status

After a long break, an overdue update. Pre-orders, new variant, and the design files!

To say it’s been quite the year would be an understatement, and it’s been no different on my side. With all the turmoil between work and home, and a few more paperwork issues along the way with this project, it didn’t seem right to just throw meaningless "Things are happening" messages into everyone’s inbox without something a bit more substantive to go with it.

The big news, pre-orders should be out in the wild and with the users. Thank you all for the patience and the opportunity. I have additionally provided another batch of parts to Crowd Supply, this time including a new flavor, the carrier board without the module. This way, if anyone has a special need or preference (for example a WROOM or a module with the U.FL connector), they can solder it to the board themselves and save a little in the meantime. The PCB supports both the ESP32-WROVER and the ESP32-WROOM footprint.

Looking back through my past updates, I neglected to inform of a major part of my promise for this project: The open source part. So, to correct that, please see https://github.com/singleboardsolutions/Obsidian-ESP32.

The repository contains the design files in KiCad format, the gerbers used to get the boards fabricated, the Bill of Materials, and schematics/documentation in PDF and original source file format. As specified, the design is licensed under the CERN OHL v1.2, details of which can be found in the included license document in the repository.

For other information, including some code snippets/tested hardware, take a look at http://singleboardsolutions.com/obsidian-esp32/.

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