
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Dec 09, 2019

Project update 31 of 38

Horse Vision, Humanoid Telepresence Robot and other Cool Projects from StereoPi Owners

by Eugene Pomazov

Horse Vision

Horse vision by Alan Hook

Have you ever noticed that a horse’s eye position and view direction differs from the human’s eyes? Actually they have wider field of view, narrow "3D" field of view in front direction. Also, horse can not see the color red. Alan Hook used StereoPi with two wide-angle cameras to allow humans to look and feel like horse do. To decrease video latency he used our DIY VR helmet guide as a base for his setup. Also, he faced a challenge to cut off the color red from the video livestream in real-time.

You can read a back story of this project and look at real-time color filtering discussions on Raspberry Pi forum and StereoPi forum.

3D humanoid telepresence robot

Humanoid telepresence robot by Vadym Burov

You see, our team has a lot of experience in telepresence and remote-controlled systems. So when we heard "telepresence robot", we imagined a small box with 4-wheels and a camera on the top. But this project is breaking our stereotype. Vadym Burov, author of this project, combined several fantastic technologies and built a prototype of a humanoid robot!

You can find a brief review and demo of this robot here on YouTube, and discuss it with the author at our StereoPi forum thread.

Blinky Bot

It is always interesting to look at robot evolution, from the first cardboard prototypes and up to hardware forms of life! In the middle of this year Blinky’s embryo has looked like this:

Blinky robot, early stage

And now, after some evolution, it has morphed into the below:

Blinky robot, current stage (as of December, 04, 2019)

The author says Waveshare Alphabot is used in the Blinky chest, and always adds "Not everything works yet but the neck, wheels and vision do remotely."

Let’s look at the further Blinky evolution! Here you can find author’s comment on his project: Blinky Box.

MacFeeglePrime robot

This robot by Keegan Neave is planning to take a part in the PiWars 2020 competition. It is exciting to look at the progress from the draft sketches and up to advanced mechanics!

MacFeeglePrime robot evolution

As of 04 of December, MacFeeglePrime evolved to this stage:

MacFeeglePrime robot (04 of December, 2019)

You can look at the MacFeeglePrime story in this Twitter #MacFeeglePrime collection

Hey, maker, do you have a project in progress? Come on, share it with us on Twitter, our forum, submit a Crowd Supply Field Report to share what you’ve been doing with the Crowd Supply community, or tweet a picture of how you are using your Crowd Supply hardware by December 31, 2019 for a chance to win a $250 store credit. Details here.

And if you just planning to start it - make a sketch today, and let it grow like Blinky and MacFeeglePrime!

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