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Jan 22, 2021

Project update 4 of 12

Adding GPIO

by Akshar Vastarpara

One of our backers made a great suggestion: why not add GPIO expansion to Maypole? We liked the idea so much, we decided to do it! To that end, we designed a revision with four GPIO so that Maypole can be used to interface with sensors and other hardware add-ons. These pins can be used for SPI, I²C, UART, or analog input.

This will allow you to, for example, attach a I²C temperature sensor, record measurements onto Maypole’s MicroSD card, then access the data either via USB or over the network.

Design Files for our 3D-Printed Enclosure

Last week, we showed off some photographs of our 3D-Printed enclosure but we forgot to link to the design files. Oops! Here they are!

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