
A USB kill cord for your laptop

Jan 31, 2024

Project update 26 of 30

Warrant Canary 007 -- Hardware and Software Dev News

by Michael Altfield

The BusKill Team just published our cryptographically signed Warrant Canary #007.

Although security is one of our top priorities, we might not be able to inform you of of a breach if we are served with a secret, state-issued subpoena (also known as a "gag order"). Consequently, the BusKill team publishes cryptographically signed warrant canaries on a biannual basis to indicate to our users the integrity of our systems.

2023 Highlights

We’ve made a lot of progress with BusKill in 2023!

Release v0.7.0

In 2023, we made a major release of BusKill v0.7.0. Most importantly, this release added a settings menu to the GUI with the long-awaited feature to be able to switch between locking the screen and shutting-down the computer.

Debian Package

In 2023, the BusKill package finally became available in the stable repos for Debian 12 (bookworm). It can now be installed easily with apt.

QubesOS Improvements

In 2023, we made some improvements to the guide to using BusKill on QubesOS: you can now disarm BusKill with a keyboard shortcut.

3D Printable BusKill

In 2023, we’ve made great progress on the 3D Printable BusKill cables, including a functional POC Demo of the prototype.

BusKill available in-store

In 2023, for the first time, BusKill cables became available to purchase at a physical brick-and-mortar store. We recently announced our partnership with ProxyStore.

Happy New Year!

Happy 2024!

We’re looking forward to continuing to improve the 3D Printable BusKill hardware cable and looking for other avenues to distribute the injection-molded BusKill cable to make it more accessible this year.

If you want to help, please consider purchasing a BusKill cable for yourself or a loved one. It helps us fund further development and you get your own BusKill cable to keep you or your loved ones safe.

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