ANAVI Thermometer

An ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors

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Feb 08, 2019

Project update 4 of 28

Made in Plovdiv

I am happy to announce that the manufacturing of the first batch of ANAVI Thermometer has started. To ensure consistently and quality, ANAVI Thermometer has a green solder mask and a gold surface finish. All printed circuit boards (PCB) for ANAVI Thermometer are made, assembled and tested in my hometown Plovdiv, Bulgaria, EU.

Although manufacturing in Europe is more expensive, there is nothing like the feeling to see the silkscreen with my hometown on the PCB. Btw this year is very special for Plovdiv because the city is the European capital of culture together with Matera, Italy.

Furthermore, another benefit of the local manufacturing is that I have a better supervision over the entire process. I have already sourced the majority of components and the local factories are operating on a normal schedule during Lunar New Year. The next step is to arrange the laser cutting of the acrylic cases which is going to be made by another local company in Bulgaria. The packaging has been already arranged and we will be using recyclable cardboard boxes.

In the mean time, it was a pleasure meeting those of you who visited FOSDEM 2019 in Brussels last weekend. I had a talk sharing my experience in making prototypes and low-volume manufacturing, including the inglorious epic hardware fails that I did in some prototypes. The video and my slides are available. ANAVI Thermometer is my 5th project launched with Crowd Supply. I do open source hardware as side projects for fun. I enjoy sharing the knowledge under Creative Common licenses so that anyone else can study, modify, make or even sell hardware based on my designs. By backing the crowdfunding campaigns you are helping me continue to do more open source hardware.

Last but not least, thanks to Per Cederqvist for his GitHub pull requests that improved the user’s manual of ANAVI Thermometer. This is an entirely open source project and community contributions are always welcome.

The crowdfunding period ends on Feb 23, 2019. All orders placed until then will be shipped from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, EU. Order now ANAVI Thermometer to guarantee free worldwide shipping!

Best regards,

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