ANAVI Light Controller

Make your lights open source and connect your LED strip to the WiFi network with ANAVI Light Controller!

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Mar 29, 2019

Project update 17 of 22

ANAVI Light Controller with ESPEasy & Domoticz

ESPEasy is an open source firmware used to turn the ESP-based devices into an easy multipurpose sensor device for home automation and integration in the popular open source platform Domoticz.

My friend Georgi Kolev, who also lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, uses Domoticz. He was kind enough to write a couple of blog posts revealing the steps to configure ESPEasy on ANAVI Light Controller and to integrate it in Domoticz. His first article explains the preparation and the ESPEasy plugin configuration. His second article explains how to create and configure RGB Switch in Domoticz for ANAVI Light Contoller.

Georgi has done a great job. Both of his articles are easy-to-follow and contain the exact steps. Domoticz and ESPEasy are really nice and convenient open source projects for home automation. You have the hardware and Georgi’s guidelines so give them a try when you have time. I promise you, you will have some fun!

In the mean time, Jose Motta was kind enough to remind me that I need to notify all of you using Home Assistant that recently there has been a code refactoring of the MQTT Light component. In the new versions there is a new approach for configuring the JSON schema of the MQTT Light component. Have a look at GitHub Pull Request and Home Assistant user’s manual for details.

It is amazing to have such a wonderful and active community! Thank you all! Last but not least, more good news: the shipping of our open source hardware ESP8266-based thermometer has started slightly ahead of schedule.


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