Environmental Monitoring for the Internet of Things

Oct 29, 2020

Project update 12 of 15

PCB Assembly Complete

by Jon Luke

EMIT Production Update: Fully assembled PCB’s shipped from supplier!

The wait is nearly over… After a slight delay due to the Chinese Mid-Autumn Holidays, we are delighted to let you know that the fully assembled EMIT boards were shipped out to us today. They should arrive early next week, and we are standing by to inspect, test, and pack them before sending them along to Crowd Supply’s warehouse.

EMIT Developer Wiki released to GitHub

We are also pleased to announce that we have released the EMIT Developer Wiki on our GitHub repository. It has everything you need to use (or write firmware for) EMIT, including:

Everything currently on the Wiki covers MicroPython development, but our C++/Arduino guides and tutorials are nearly ready. We expect to release them next week!

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