Inkplate 6

Versatile, easy-to-use, Wi-Fi-enabled e-paper display

Apr 07, 2020

Project update 8 of 20

Open Source Files & Survey

by David Z

Dear backers,

We have updated the open hardware design files in our Inkplate 6 hardware repo, where you can find the final, production versions of schematics, BOMs and gerber files. Want to make an Inkplate 6 yourself? Now you have everything you need! And yeah, good luck with that 0.3 mm pitch e-paper connector :)

Our Arduino library has seen some progress as well. We have implemented some major improvements to the cleaning sequence, which enable slightly faster refresh times. Greyscale has been improved, as well. Partial updates are now part of the library and easy to use. Left to do are: adding microSD card support and adjusting settings for the final batch of e-paper displays that we are going to use—as soon as we receive them. We’ll keep you posted!


I imagine when you hear the word "survey", you subconsciously roll your eyes (I know I do), but hear me out. When we presented different future versions of Inkplate in a livestream demonstration, we received quite a few emails asking us for a bigger and/or smaller e-paper display, touchscreen support, backlighting… The list of possible options got big. In order to make the next Inkplate(s) how you imagine them, could we kindly ask you to to fill in our six-question survey? It will give us a better understanding of your needs and, as a result, a better chance of designing a device that suits them.

Thank you for your time! We look forward to delivering this great product to you. If you have any questions, we are available as usual.

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