eatART Magazine

An island on the expanding ocean of energy-aware art.

Jul 31, 2013

Project update 2 of 2

We've Launched!

We’ve launched!

After a year in the making eatART magazine has started shipping. Huge thanks to all of you. We are proud of the quality of the print and paper. Volume one was designed to be dateless and still look as good 10 years from now as it does today. 75% of funds raised here went into printing magazine. The other 25% was split for distribution, pledge fulfillment and earmarked for volume two due summer 2014.

Issue one Artist features include:

Theo Jansen

Markus Kayser

Caleb Charland

Charlie Brinson

We’re now offering two issue subscriptions only. We are planning to increase the page count of volume but we will need your continued support to grow eatART magazine- if you love volume one spread it around and show your friends what’s going on in the world of energy aware art.

Thanks Again,

eatART Magazine

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