I have been organizing and building on stuff as it has come in. I even got a bit of help doing servo mods last weekend. I now have all of the parts needed to fulfill the crowd funding rewards and it looks like we will be able to get it all sent out near December 1st as expected. A few unexpected surprises have come up along the way. I found a really good line sensor that matches the price of t... Read the full update.
It was close, but we made it happen. We are glad to see that supporters from all over the world will be getting Hack-E-Bots and we can’t wait to see what projects people will do with them. Our next step is to start placing parts orders and get the workshop ready. We will be posting regular updates here and on Crowd Supply to keep everyone up-to-date on the assembly of the kits as well as the in... Read the full update.
To make things easier for makers, Maker Spaces, and robotics groups, we now have a listing for some less expensive DIY kits and a new bulk package. These kits include all of the parts that are needed to build the Hack-E-Bot. However, you will have to do a bit more soldering and such to get a kit up and running. It takes a lot of work to make the basic Hack-E-Bot kit an easy-to-assemble robot fo... Read the full update.
The original Hack-E-Bot kit was designed to start kids off with the Adafruit Trinket, a small Arduino chip, for use as the robots brain. The Trinket is quite powerful for it’s size but somewhat limiting for a robot. We have now decided to upgrade that brain to the Adafruit Trinket Pro with no additional change in the price of the kit. Some limitations of the Trinket come down to it’s ATtiny85 ... Read the full update.