Pixelblaze V3

A Wi-Fi-enabled, live-codable LED controller with a web-based development environment

Nov 10, 2020

Project update 2 of 11

Better International Shipping Options and Awesome Pixelblaze V3 Project Examples

by Benjamin H

Better International Shipping Options

When the campaign launched, the international shipping options for Pixelblaze were designed around orders with only one item. It quickly became apparent that a lot of people outside the US wanted more than one item, and that the associated international shipping fees quickly ballooned out of proportion. I’m happy to report that, in collaboration with Crowd Supply, we’re now able to offer a much more attractive international shipping scheme.

Basically, international orders will have a \$10 flat shipping fee, up to several dozen items. For international backers who have already placed an order and paid more than \$10, your shipping fee has been adjusted to \$10 and the difference refunded!

You can check the status of your order in your Crowd Supply account.

Made with V3

In addition to all the awesome projects that have been made with Pixelblaze V2, here are a few projects that have put evaluation/pre-production V3s to work:

Volumetric Cube

Here’s a quick demo/intro to the volumetric cube build at ElectroMage HQ

Build details:

2020 Miss Jie Couture Collaboration

An awesome wearable powered with Pixelblaze V3 Pico!

Preproducton Verification and Prep

Winter is coming, though it kind of feels like it’s already here! To keep warm, we’re firing up the soldering forge and preparing for the campaign! We’ve already made a handful of panels to verify everything, and are currently sourcing PCBs and parts for a starter run.

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