A fingertip-size ARM M4F module with Bluetooth 5.2, Thread, Zigbee and 46 I/O

Jun 04, 2020

Project update 2 of 5

Launch Announcement

by Hoan

Dear Backers,

I am pleased to announce the launch of this new finger tip size Bluetooth 5.2 module and its development boards! Visit the campaign page to get yours now.

Also, a photo of the USB-A dongle was released during pre-launch and we have received a lot of demand for a USB Type-C version of the dongle, so we have decided to add it to the pledge levels. Because of the last minute demand we do not yet have real pictures, but we can show a rendered 3D image of what it will look like. The Type-C Dongle prototypes are currently being produced. As soon as we receive them we’ll update the photos.

There is is a small limitation to the Type-C, which is that the PCB is 0.8mm thick as compared to the 2mm of Type-A. Therefore, please manipulate it with care while using it. The USB Dongle pledge level allows you to select which type you want to back. In case you don’t know, you can purchase both types by selecting one type at a time and adding them to your cart. Thank you very much.

I hope you are doing well in this period of crisis and wish you all health and prosperity,

The BLYST840 team.

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