uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC)

Portable, DIY, open hardware retro-gaming console

Feb 23, 2021

Project update 18 of 22

Sound Tutorial (Part Three)

by Antonio Rizzo

Hi there,

It’s time for the final installment of our uSVC Sound tutorial, which explains how to import MIDI sounds and songs into your code, play them with uSVC, and manage your audio output.

This concludes our Sound tutorial, which means you now have all the tools you will need to create your first complete game for uSVC. And just in time, too! Production uSVC boards arrived at Mouser’s warehouse last Friday, so hopefully you will soon be able to start experimenting with your own uSVC!

As you work through this and previous tuitorials, we invite you to share your progress with the uSVC community!

In case you missed one of the previous tutorials, here is the summary of all the available material on uSVC:


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