Flexible, next-generation, open source software-defined radio

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Aug 31, 2016

Project update 33 of 82

Limited Edition Chip Logo

We are excited to announce that, as part of a manufacturing agreement with ASE Group — the company that packages the LMS7002M transceiver IC — all boards pledged during the campaign and any purchased before September 30th will have an ‘I Backed LimeSDR on Crowd Supply’ logo on top of the chip.

This is a one-off and not something we will be doing in the future. This is to show our appreciation for all of you that have helped us get LimeSDR into production and, as far as we know, it will be the first time anything like this has ever been done as part of a crowdfunding campaign.

We hope you enjoy your limited edition boards.

Thanks again!
Jessica and the LimeSDR Team

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