Pocket Integrator

A clever, open hardware add-on board that lets you play your Pocket Operator drum machine like a maraca!

Nov 03, 2022

Project update 2 of 11

Our Campaign is Now Live on Crowd Supply!

by Mykle H

Hello World! I am so very pleased to announce that we are now finally launching our crowdfunding campaign and taking orders for Pocket Integrator!

Isn’t it beautiful? It’s the add-on board for Teenage Engineering’s Pocket Operator drum machines that lets you play your drum machine like a drum! It is my weird electronic creation that makes endless sync’d beats! Check out the campaign page for all the deets!

It’s sure taken a while to get to this point. In 2019 the Pocket Integrator was just an idea on a breadboard in a little apartment in Berlin. When I showed off my initial working prototypes at SUPERBOOTH in 2021, I thought I’d certainly be able to get something to market by the end of that year. Ha! Then in 2022 all the chips disappeared … yes, we live in interesting times.

All this year, with the assistance of the great folks at Crowd Supply, I’ve been working out dozens of details that I’ve always taken for granted in every piece of consumer electronics I own: the financial plan, the partnerships with manufacturers, the re-designing around parts shortages, the documentation, the fulfillment, the packaging, the instruction manual, the USA, EU and UK regulatory compliance documents, and on and on.

That stuff is all totally necessary, and some of it’s even interesting, but for the next six weeks I’m excited that I get to actually play with Pocket Integrator again! I will be posting a bunch of demo videos, desktop mini-jams and other fun stuff to get the word out as our crowdfunding campaign rumbles towards our ambitious (but totally achievable!) goal. With your help, I know we’ll get there. If you have any questions or would like to see any particular features demonstrated I’m happy to oblige.

Thank you so much for waiting, for trusting, and for supporting open-source hardware and independent inventors!

Please consider supporting our campaign by ordering your unit today!

Sincerely, Mykle Hansen

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