Steno Hero

An open-source software game for practicing stenography. Learn to type 200+ words per minute.

May 09, 2016

Project update 2 of 5

80% Funded! New Songs Released!

There’s a new release of Steno Arcade on Steam, featuring two new slow songs, with hopefully two more to come before the end of the campaign. We’ve got six days left and 20% to go, so please spread the word and contribute if you can!

I’ve also recorded a video attempting to play the hardest level, I Feel Fantastic, on my new Planck. I only got 77%, but I still think that’s a pretty decent showing for such a ridiculously speedy song. Anyone who’d like to beat my score is welcome to try! :’D

I also got a chance to show off Steno Arcade at !!Con last weekend, and everyone really seemed to enjoy it. One accomplished qwerty typist even got 87% on I’m Your Moon, which is pretty dang impressive!

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