Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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May 14, 2019

Project update 8 of 29

Demos and Announcement

Hi followers!

We set out with a goal to make robotics simpler for anyone wanting to learn by removing the complication of hardware and wiring. We are now achieving this through the Robo HAT MM1 campaign.

We have surpassed the $2,000 funding mark! Thank you for all your support. We would not be able to bring this great product to our backers without your support.

Anyone can now build advanced robotics at any price range with the Robo HAT. Whether you are using a Raspberry Pi Zero to control a small scale RC car or using the power of a Jetson Nano for object recognition in a drone the project is achievable through opening up the ability to control anything. with the help of the Robo HAT.

Encoders, Servos, ESCs (even those that need 16 Bit or higher timing) and others have been tested and work on the Robo HAT.

Maker Faire!

We are going to Maker Faire this weekend in San Francisco, Bay Area. The likes of Chris Anderson (DIY Robo Cars) and many others will be speaking at the event. We will be featured with the Donkey Car Community. Come and say hello or to learn more about how AI in education is important.

If you want to meet with us directly, please email us through the Crowd Supply Campaign. Always happy to catch up with the community!

Demo Videos

This week we released a new video that outlines and explores the features of the board. Please check it out!

New Guides!

We also just published a guide on how to make custom boards work in Arduino IDE. Be sure to check that out on or Instructables.

There will also be more demo videos dropping this week. So keep an eye out on social media for updates. Thank you to those who already follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Have a creative week!

Robotics Masters Team
Cian, Hans, Linda, and Peter

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