Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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May 16, 2019

Project update 9 of 29

More Early Birds available and New pricing

More Early Bird Units

In honor of Maker Faire, we’ve added more Standard Kit Early Bird units! If you’ve already ordered a Standard Kit at full price and would like to adjust it to the Early Bird pricing, please contact us with your order number.

Robo HAT MM1 Now Starting at $39 USD

After feedback and internal discussion, we’ve decided to lower the Starter pledge level (one Robo HAT MM1) price from \$49 to \$39 USD. We want everyone to be able to get in on the Robo HAT fun!

Final Prototypes

We got a sneak peak of what the final Robo HAT MM1 boards will look like, check it out:

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