Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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Feb 02, 2019

Project update 3 of 29

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! We are getting closer to launch every single week. This week the Crowd Supply pre-lunch page went online. You can now follow the campaign progress and get notifications of updates.

The second prototypes have been manufactured and testing is underway!

We have now also launched the Robotics Masters open source GitHub account. This is where we will be maintaining and allowing anyone to contribute to the project. It can be accessed here:

We will be continuously updating and adding to the repositories. The different branches we are following at the moment are:

  1. SeeSaw Library - Firmware and CircuitPython modules.
  2. CircuitPython Native API - Firmware and CircuitPython modules.
  3. Custom CircuitPython Script - to control the Donkey Car (as a start), expanding to other projects as well.
  4. Scratch Environment - Drag and Drop modules.

If you think there should be other projects or software libraries we should support, please let us know and we will try and get that supported ASAP.

Stay tuned for more software updates very soon!

So this is where we are currently at with this project. More updates coming soon!

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