Robo HAT MM1

An open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi.

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May 18, 2020

Project update 28 of 29

Software Updates & HacksterIO Articles

by Cian B

Hi Backers!

Here are some recent software updates and links to new HacksterIO articles about Robo HAT MM1!

Software Updates

If ever there is anything that you want your Robo HAT MM1 to do, make sure you let us know. Either join the Donkey Car Discord #hardware channel or Crowd Supply’s Discord and message me (@wallarug). I’m always happy to look at new ideas and ways to use the Robo HAT MM1. Take a look at the requests that got for-filled this week below, just because someone asked.

Arduino IDE - We have improved the Arduino support for the Robo HAT MM1. If you update your Arduino Robotics Masters Boards Library you will get the improvements. The core improvement is that all the serial ports now have native hardware support. The USB Serial Console is now also fixed. You can find more here on GitHub.

Firmata - A request came through from someone via the Donkey Car Discord for a particular Arduino Library to have Robo HAT MM1 support - Firmata. Firmata is a fixed protocol library that has lots of support across the whole Arduino ecosystem - allowing Windows, Mac, Linux, other OSes to interface with the board. We have successfully ported Robo HAT MM1 to Firmata and you can easily get it working by just opening the Firmata Standard example. We are also trying to bring Firmata Python Support (this is an evolving project).

We are also now working with the creator and maintainer for the FirmataExpress library. They have offered to create an expansion pack for Robo HAT MM1 that allows it to use more features in the FirmataExpress package (IMU, INA219, etc). With some other surprise features that we announce in a few weeks time.

Donkey Car Simulator - The Donkey Car community held their quarterly meetup two weeks ago via a virtual racing league. The league was based around the Donkey Car Simulator written to help train and race the cars without any physical hardware. The event was really fun! For this event, we wanted to see if the Robo HAT MM1 could be used with the simulator so that you could use the RC Controller in the simulator. The answer was YES!! We managed to get it working and it is a wonderful experience. Here is the guide on how to do it.

We have been continuing work on all aspects of the project to make the Robo HAT MM1 even better than it already is!

The Team is now back after the COVID19 shutdowns working on a number of cool new applications and features for the board (amongst other things) to be announced on a later date.

New HacksterIO Articles

Thanks again everyone for following this project. The team really enjoys seeing what you are all up to with your Robo HAT MM1s.

Robotics Masters Team

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