
An open source FT2232H-based, multi-protocol, multi-voltage tool for hardware hacking

Oct 30, 2020

Project update 1 of 14

Campaign is Now Live!

by Joe Fitz

The Tigard campaign is now live!

I’ve used FTDI-based I/O boards for years, but have never found the one that fit my uses just right. In that time, I’ve fine-tuned my wish list and shared it many times, but it never magically appeared.

This spring, with newfound free time, funding from the CARES Act Payroll Protection Program, and heaps of help from Franklin Harding and Piotr Esden-Tempski, we built the device we’ve always wanted.

I hope that you find Tigard is as useful as I have found the prototypes to be in my own work and teaching, and I’m looking forward to seeing what all of you are able to reverse engineer, prototype, build, and hack with Tigard.

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