Kryptor FPGA

A one-chip hardware security module (HSM) and MAX10 FPGA dev board

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Feb 08, 2022

Project update 12 of 17

Global component crisis and the status of the campaign

by Piret Uustal

Hello everybody! The year has started out quite busy for us, and here is our first update of the year about the current status of our campaign.

As we wrote in our previous update, our biggest challenge in meeting our delivery plan has been and unfortunately still is the overwhelming shortage of MAX10 FPGA chips on the components market, and it is still completely out of stock on any usual distributor worldwide due to the manufacturing crisis. The international supply-chain of electronics components is still very disrupted, and we are fully suffering from the situation. We have made our order of the FPGA chips to Mouser already, in the middle of November 2021, but until today there has been no indication on possible delivery dates and no more info about it. We have been trying to receive any information about the situation, also through some personal channels from Intel but so far, we have had no luck.

As an alternative, we were also considering the possibility to use a slightly more expensive and better performing FPGA chip (the 10M08DAF256C7G rather than the planned 10M08DAF256C8G) if it would have been faster to obtain, but also this chip is experiencing the same shortage on the global market.

On a positive side however, we have successfully outsourced, produced, and prepared all the other components that are part of our Kryptor packages. We have already printed all the PCB boards and outsourced all other PCB components for the boards through our Belgium service provider. That means when the FPGA chips will become available eventually, we would be able to mount everything quite quickly and get everything ready and finally ship out the orders in about 2 months. But until then, it will all depend on the FPGA chip availability situation on the global market.

Also, all the JTAG adapters have been manufactured and are ready. The extra wiring and breadboards have been bought and are ready. The USB Blaster programming devices have been bought and are ready. Even the packaging has been prepared and is ready.

Despite preparing everything else and having done everything possible from our side, it seems that we are going to accumulate a considerable delay in delivery because of the worldwide FPGA chip shortage. We feel as frustrated as you not being able to change things that are out of our hands. We will keep informing you as soon as there will be any news or change regarding this situation. If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to contact us.

Also,we welcome you to join us on our Telegram group or find us on Twitter at @SkudoTech to engage with us directly.

Skudo team

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