Inkplate 5

A low-power, easy to program, open hardware and software e-paper display with Wi-Fi support and a 5.2" screen

Jun 08, 2023

Project update 2 of 7

Tour of Our Updated Workspace

by David Z

Hello all,

The support of customers and friends of our Soldered Electronics team sometimes really amazes us. Inkplate 5’s campaign is accelerating really well and we are happy to say that we are getting close to the funding goal!

It is our pleasure to be recognized by makers all over the world for the effort and work we put into creating our electronics boards. Our product has received some constructive feedback via messages, which we greatly appreciate, since it allows us to improve our designs and continue to create quality products for our customers.

A look inside our office

Recently, we held an event to celebrate re-branding from "e-radionica" to Soldered Electronics. Throughout the event, everyone had the opportunity to see how our electronics are designed, prototyped, tested, manufactured, and shipped all over the world. Take a look at how it went:

If you haven’t secured your own Inkplate 5 already, our campaign is currently live and taking pre-orders, so there’s still a chance for you to help us bring our new Inkplate to life!

Thank you, the Soldered Electronics team

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