ATtiny Flasher

Open-hardware flashing tool for the Atmel ATtiny

Dec 13, 2021

Project update 7 of 7

First Batch to Backers Shipping Soon

by Andriy

First batch is on its way to backers

After few unexpected delays, (global chip shortage, huh?) this first batch is finally on it’s way to the first backers of the campaign. Every single unit is hand-tested with care by our top ranked engineers (that’s me) and hand-packed in it’s new temporary home, before making it’s way to yours.

Slightly sad note

Unfortunately, due to the fact that one chip went off the shelves all of a sudden, I was not able to order the full volume at once. To be more specific, 87% of the units ordered by backers will be in the box, which is 13% below the target. For which I have to apologize.

I had to replace one chip with a replacement part, which is not "bolt on". This means I have to wait for test units to be delivered and pass verification tests until I will be able to order the remaining units. Hopefully the second batch will be completed before January ends, but it is really hard to plan during the holiday season.

Message to you, backers

Once again, thanks for your support to deliver this project to the (already visible) finish line. Please do not forget to double check your shipping address in your account, so Santa will have all the right chimney numbers.

For shipping or address questions, contact Crowd Supply Support.

Work still to be done

During the short break between batches, I’ve used my time to finish documentation, both hardware and software, as well as fully open sourcing the latest revisions of the board and firmware. It will be available on github soon. In short, I’ll do my best to ensure complete and transparent information is available for everyone interested in using or reusing my designs.

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