
Tiny retro gaming on your keychain

Jun 05, 2018

Project update 8 of 8

Shipping Resumed

From https://pocketsprite.com/blogs/news

PocketSpriters, PocketSpritees,

Once again, we’ve been working hard to get your devices out the door, despite the slight PCBA issue that we encountered.

As of June 4, all issues are resolved: PocketSprites are shipping again!

Even better news, if you’re adventurous with a soldering iron, you can even resurrect your dead device! Check out the link below: https://pocketsprite.com/blogs/news/resurrecting-a-red-light-of-death-pocketsprite

As always, thanks for your backing. More and more people are getting devices in their hands, and we’re very excited to have your feedback.

As always, official news can be found here: https://pocketsprite.com/blogs/news

Thanks again
Team Pocket

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