Available for pre-order
View Purchasing OptionsProject update 5 of 10
Our first shipment of parts (several thousand dollars worth) was held in Chinese customs for over two weeks before they decided to ship it back. We still have not received the return shipment and have no idea when we should expect to see it again. Of course everyone still needs their backer rewards so we’ve been hard at work getting new parts to our assembler.
To complicate matters there is a world-wide shortage of the RN2903 / RN2843 — the main microcontroller and radio that power the LoStik. This made it hard to get our hands on additional parts. The lead time for both of them is well into January at this point. Fortunately we were able to acquire enough units from a couple of different sources.
The good news is we were able to ship an additional 775 units to our manufacturer which should cover all of the initial backers, pre-orders, and additional stock. The bad-news is they arrived right around the Chinese fall festivals this week. Right now we’re expecting manufacture to start on Monday October 8th which means we should be able to start shipping units to everyone (EU and US) which means we should be able to start shipping units to people the middle of the following week (October ~17th).
I would say thank you to everyone who has received their LoStik and taken time to send feedback. I’m happy to hear your use-cases and stories and it is what makes this whole adventure worthwhile. Apologies for the unexpected delay.